Dr. Alaina Davis is a Medical Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) who has been certified by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association for over 10 years and is licensed in the states of Maryland and Texas, and the District of Columbia. She is also a Certified Brain Injury Specialist and Trainer (CBIST).
Dr. Davis specializes in the assessment and treatment of neurologically-based communication disorders related to brain injury including traumatic brain injury, concussion, aphasia, and right hemisphere disorder. Her experience ranges from school-age children to adults. Her expertise is in cognitive-communicative disorders associated with sports-related concussion and return-to-learn.
Dr. Davis is also an Assistant Professor and teaches courses at the Master's and Doctoral level students. Her research focuses on sport-related concussions, cognitive-communicative assessment, and culturally and linguistically diverse populations. She loves working with clients and families to assist in the rehabilitation of communication skills and finding management plans that are client-centered.